Friday, March 2, 2012

The Mental Health Worker’s Reminders to Herself

1. When my supervisor assigns me a new client she is not trying to sabotage me. She is trying to get me to do my job.

2. When a client repeatedly cancels/misses appointments, there is likely something making it hard for them to come. It’s nothing against me.

3. When it is something against me, this is okay too. Not everybody has to like me. I will not be the best match for everyone. Learn from it.

4. Doctors are people too. They are likely rolling their eyes right back at me.

5. A client’s goals for themselves need to come before my goals for them.

6. When clients are skeptical because “you look too young to help me” remember – you’re a lot less young than when they were saying this to you 5 years ago!

7. Caring for myself will help me to care for others.

8. People will come and go, but paperwork is forever.

9. It’s okay to drown your sorrows with pizza and a half bottle of Shiraz on Friday night.

Tell me Going Mental readers - what reminders do you need to keep yourself going?


  1. Ha! This is great. I always just remind myself of all the perks of my job (i.e. can work from home or wherever, free laptop, free blackberry, etc. etc. etc.)

    1. I love that there is flexibility in my schedule, and I mostly get to set it myself. I would miss that if I didn't have it!

  2. the age thing sucks! i'm 30 but could pass for 20 and patients always ask me 'are you old enough to be doing this?' (meaning take their xray) and i just say 'oh thank you for thinking i'm that young!' its just a pain to have to explain myself (which is none of their business) and makes me feel like i'm incompetent or something.

    1. I figure it won't be too long before the younger clients are looking at me going "you're too old to know anything about me". And I'll pretty much ignore that comment too!

  3. Whether or not a patient gets better has nothing to do with my worth as a therapist -- or as a person. Not everyone gets better; these people still deserve my best effort.

  4. This post is great! Number 2 strikes a cord with me because I've been getting stood up a lot lately. I work with teenagers, who are a tough crowd. I often have to remind myself that it's most likely not me, but teenage horomones!


    1. Yup, teens are a tough bunch to work with. Not one I've been brave enough to tackle yet, so good for you!

  5. Replies
    1. hahaha...I'll let you know when I up the dose ;)
